🍰My first try at a fancy multi-layered chocolate cake!😋

😍MY FIRST EVER try at a fancy decorated multi-layered cake!! 🍰
And it’s delicious too! 👍“Low” carbs & sweetness but oh man so chocolatey YUM 😋

😜 haha it’s not the prettiest as I am experimenting and learning along the way on my own, how to make chocolate decorations with sugarless couverture chocolate. I had chocolate cake, chocolate mousse and pumpkin purée from my previous baked that I made from scratch. So I thought might as well turn them into one gorgeous layered cake! So I was looking around my kitchen for domes to form the mold of this layered cake. Granted, I don’t have professional equipment and techniques (yet), but I hacked up some things that is dome-like such as the glass bowl, ice cream scoop, microwave plastic boiler, and even a glass test tube end, haha 😂

But hey hey it’s fun project and i’m sure I can qualify now for the Netflix reality baking competition SHOW “Nailed It” (https://youtu.be/cTW0fUlW42I) 🤣

Anyhoo… I enjoyed baking various concoction and testing various low carbs ingredients such as pumpkin purée and almond / coconut flour or stevia sweetener and Low G.I. Coconut sugar. I did use honey too but limited it’s portion as I used banana and the sweetener to coax out the taste and flavour. I had all sorts of chocolate in it too from chips to couverture to sea salt caramel and powder too. I try to make it fancy so it’s appealing to eat too, afterall we eat with our eyes first! Haha yeah I know the layers are lob-sided … haha that’s what I get when u try to hack the layers together.

The layers are:

  1. Inner most is just pure honey.
  2. Pumpkin purée with coconut sugar sorbet.
  3. Salted sour cream / cream cheese / butter mousse.
  4. Chocolate cake using almond flour with raisins and cranberries bits.
  5. Base is 90sec keto bread using coconut flour and cinnamon powder.
  6. Outer coating is a chocolate in Agar-agar jelly with Chia seeds and banana purée.
  7. Chocolate drizzles with sesame seeds and coconut sugar sprinkles with raisins and cranberries.
  8. Topped with some chocolate decorations I made with the couverture chocolates.

Will keep learning and being inspired by professional Bakers and Chocolate Artists and chefs of all professions! GAMBATEI ! Gotta keep improving my skills! 👍😄