My Blood Pressure has been getting better 👍

😍My blood pressure has been getting better and better!! So no joke me losing the weight eating healthier and working out daily. Does actually help! So that’s why I am officially off the medication since last year when my Doctor certified me fit and continued to do so !! 💪👍

I Am What I Eat

I Am What I Eat

The 2 photos was taken 4 months apart, lost 15 kg (33 lbs) from April to August of 2019. As of today, February 2020 I am at 89 kg (196 lbs), compared to when I was at my heaviest of 126 kg (277 lbs) back in 2017. I am still a work in progress…

For the past year, I have been on a diet and health transformation. The difference has been dramatic and mostly due to what I ate. Portion control, less carbohydrates, more vegetables / fruits, cutting off all snacks / junk foods and learnt to cook and bake my own meals with healthy, less processed ingredients. I did also exercised daily for improved fitness and overall well-being. But 2 years prior I had already slowly lost weight purely from my change in lifestyle and what I ate. Exercise only contributed to a few percentage of weight loss.

For me it’s not about the looks at all, but mental, internal and physical health. Way too many friends around me are getting lifestyle diseases and some had passed away, which triggered me to start this change for the better. I was on medication for hypertension, had fatty liver markers, slip discs surgery with 2 relapses, was easily sick, skin problems, etc… And all these issues improved tremendously ever since I became healthier, lighter, fitter.

My hope was to use myself as an example to encourage others to do the same for their own health sake before it becomes another case of “too little too late”. I want to promote body positivity, not shame the size or shape that we are, as everyone is different. For me had I not need to lose the weight to improve my back problem, I would have rather remained a big guy. But alas, it was a matter of health and statistically obesity is affecting lives and our society economically.

👍My Acanthosis Nigricans hyperpigmentation skin conditions has greatly improved 🙏

No this is not an ad for skin whitening products. 😉

But it’s a fact that my Acanthosis Nigricans hyperpigmentation skin conditions has greatly improved after I lost weight and ate healthy. 👍And continues to do so. This is not for the sake of looks but a sign of my body’s health. If left unchecked it’ll eventually lead to many health issues as I age.

🧐Such skin condition is literally skin deep and no amount of scrubbing or whitening products can help, I tried before in the past to scrub until it bleeds ouch!! And used all sorts of skin whitening deodorants etc … I am just in denial and thinking it’ll help but NOPE! And the Skin Doctor did tell me that since I have this issue for decades it’s also possible that some areas may be permanently darkened already. So no choice. But the point being my health transformation is directly correlated to my skin condition which is a visible indicator of my internal health.

So please take note to my many friends who has similar conditions too, check with your skin doctors like I did and follow up with your various Doctors to improve your health. 🙏Stay healthy y’all 😄

Wikipedia (

It typically occurs in individuals younger than age 40, may be genetically inherited and is associated with obesity or endocrinopathies, such as hypothyroidism, acromegaly, polycystic ovary disease, insulin-resistant diabetes or Cushing’s disease.

2020🎉YEAH YEAH YEAH!! My Fitness level improved once again!!💪

Today 23 Jan 2020, I did my 4th check-in of my body composition measurement and health assessment with Active Health (under Active SG)!😄 At ActiveSG Woodlands Sports Centre Gym this morning.

My overall health / fitness score has improved (though slightly), to 68/100 from 64/100, 3 months ago in Oct and previously 60/100 in July.

My previous instructor, Boon wasn’t around so a new Fitness Instructor Ding Yifei aided me in my body composition measurement and given me tons of advice for my health and fitness level and also advised me to perhaps start the HIIT program, so will be meeting him next week twice to go through the new exercise regime. Exciting times!

So, in 3 months (between 9 Oct 2019 and 23 Jan 2020 ) I had:

  1. ✅Dropped 1.9 kg of body fat mass. Still plateauing thus expected that the fat loss will be slowing down and harder now to loss it.
  2. ✅Reduced 2.1% of body fats.
  3. ✅Skeletal muscle mass actually increased by 1.1kg, YES! In fact it was at my all time high!
  4. ✅Lost only 0.3 kg in total weight.
  5. ✅BMI dropped from 31.1 to now 30.9 kg/m2.
  6. ✅Visceral Fat level dropped from level 15 to 13, YES!! While visceral fat area dropped 9% from 151.2 to 137.5 YEAH YEAH !!
  7. ✅Basal Metabolic Rate also improved! From 1622 to 1658 kcal but still it is out of normal recommend range of (1829 – 2153). Still gotta keep improving!
  8. ✅My Bone mineral content also increased from 3.49 to 3.63, normal range should be (2.69 – 3.29).

All in all it is definitely an improvement!! 🙏 Of course still more work to do and continue to improve my strength and muscle mass to increase my metabolic rate as well as reduce my visceral fats to normal range too. 😄

Hope everyone also improve your health and fitness level! Let us all work towards better quality of life👍

For more information on the FREE! program check out:

Also for more info on the inBody body composition results sheet:

ActiveHealthSG #ActiveSG #YouCanDoIt #StayHealthyFit

👍YES!! Great health result this 2020😍


Today went for my medical review with my Endocrine Doctor about my blood test result and it’s GREAT! 😍

🙏Everything is in normal range including my vitamin B12, Folate, full blood count, Blood Pressure. Plus last Friday had 4 Medical Appointments around TTSH:

  • Skin centre viral vaccination $190 – finish my 3rd jab to prevent some skin viral infection i had.
  • Blood test 7 tubes (Vit D/B12/folate, IFA, PTH, Zinc, Full blood count) $113.85 – YES ALL NORMAL !👍 though my vitamin B12 seems lower than 3 months ago when I had the B12 booster jabs so advised to continue my current diet and see next 3 months later if it is in a downward trend cause if so then very likely no choice I do need to be out in supplements to keep my B12 level up. Again my DNA test months ago did show that my body has more difficulty in absorbs B12 than normal people. Today’s Dr consultation is only $5.40 (Medisave claimed). I did also request in the next blood test I wanted to check my fatty liver too with ultrasound which was last done in 2017, so about time to check how it really improved for sure.
  • Physiotherapist $23.35 – Advised on my form and how I should do my squats and lunges to reduce issue to my right knee meniscus tear, ligament issue. Also was advised to seek appointment for Occupational Physiotherapist for aches and slight pain on my recent left ring finger and right ring finger knuckle. So my Endocrine Doctor helped me referral to Orthopedics for my finger issue.
  • Dietian $24 – was advised to eat more carbs to improve my nutrition and less meat. But ok to continue my portion and 2 meals a day I have been doing.
  • Some are at subsidized rate… but yeah medical is not cheap and I don’t have insurance coverage for such costs. Singapore is not cheap but still it’s somewhat subsidized and I could dip into my medisave at times too. So actually not as bad as some other countries.
  • Next… body composition measurement and discussion with my fitness instructor from ActiveSG, and also fixed a dental appointment at TTSH, for normal checks it’s been a while…

✌️So #StayHealthy everyone! Do your regular checks, especially if you are on a different diet and exercise regime to track your progress💪

Intermittent fasting helps…

This is one of the channel I learn from too :

I have been intermittent fasting so that’s why it helps me in adjusting and help me in reducing ailments and losing weight too.

More sciences have shown fasting helps but of course you must also balance with how much and what you eat, when you eating. No point fasting and then meal time you over eat and eat all the terrible unhealthy ingredients 😂

Dr Sten Ekberg’s channel on health

🧐Recently been watching Dr Sten Ekberg’s channel and many of his teachings in health and fitness really align with how I approach my own health, and some points that made me rethink my strategy too! 👍Very enlightening! Adjusting and improving my approach slowly (every 3 months or so) over time. So educating myself as much as I can in health and fitness!

DAY 296🚴🏻‍♂️of FUN-xercise! 💪 DAY 165 muscles workout.

DAY 296🚴🏻‍♂️of FUN-xercise! 💪 DAY 165 muscles workout.

Great British bake off season 10 and junior.
Hair treatment brush oil, the works how?
11.11 sales ending…
Singapore fashion on the rise…

My 16 exercises

🎶 My FUN-xercise workout music playlist on Spotify!

👍 Check out my updates about my health and life progress at:

💪Find out more about the ActiveSG on-boarding and health assessment programme for FREE:


Summary of my health transformation:

3rd Blood Test Review… mixed results 🤔

Went for my 3rd blood test review this year. It’s a mixed results. Great news my blood pressure is Super good, no need mediation any more. 127/62 every thing else is great no more fatty liver issues no cholesterol issues etc.

😮BUT… due to my extreme diet and also my recent circleDNA testing also had shown I have predisposition to not be able to easily absorb vitamin B12 than normal people, doctor advised me to try go back to eating 2 meals a day (instead of one) maybe within 8 hrs is ok, as for the amount of weight (more than 30% of my base weight) I have lost since 2 years ago It is maybe best for now to maintain at around 90kg and pending future adjustments.

So plan now also is to do weekly B12 injections for next 3 weeks then another blood test to see if it gets better. Otherwise I may have to depend on supplements to boost my B12, D3 and Folate. It is possible that my Low B12 that explains my numbness and stiffness of my fingers and hands since I started this extreme diet. Cause if it become deficient I may get “Pernicious Anemia” which affects my red blood cells production and cause me to be more tired. So looks like I will be researching the hell out of this condition now… my new medical goal 🧐

So that is why I wanted to seek Dr consultation as I know my extreme dieting will cause unknown issues until I check and know what next course of actions I need to do. Well also means eating more again hahaha well in a healthy way lah… 😋😁

Stay healthy and keep fit everyone😍

Oh I knew how that felt like…😜

Well I knew how that feels…and now looking through the other side of the mirror… damn !! 😝

The other day I feel weird suddenly when I sat in my friend car and was told to sit behind cause the other bigger friend had to sit in the front seat so there is more space for rest of us at the back, including me!! I gladly obliged…. 😜 but yeah truth be told I know the struggles in our Asian society especially where everything are made for average or smaller sizes. ☹️